Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Jess & Elliot" Google Chrome

Crying is not my thing. My roommates, friends and family have always commented on my lack of crying during times when most people and/or teenage girls definitely cry. Once, in high school, I was watching Marley & Me with my best friend and then boyfriend, both of whom sobbed a majority of the movie while I did not shed a tear - both questioned my humanity. Recently, I found out i had two stress fractures and could not run the marathon I had been training for, once again no tears came. Oddly enough, the only guaranteed method to make me cry is usually some sort of historical documentary surrounding one of two things; World War II or the Civil Rights Movement. Also, a PBS production called Downton Abbey, centered around the trials and tribulations of an English estate and the family owning it during WWI (those historically accurate tales always get me). However, this advertisement for Google Chrome of all things, defied the odds and got me extremely teary eyed.

Featuring a college freshmen, Jess, and her father Elliot, the ad documents their interaction through the year. While this is touching enough on its own, it is also made known that Jess's mother is deceased, and gives the impression that this is the first time the father/daughter duo of Jess and Elliot have had to separate. Somehow, in 61 seconds, this ad addresses the pain of losing a parent, the loneliness that can be ones freshmen year (or any year, for that matter) of college, introducing your father to your new boyfriend and the all too familiar yet uniquely "college" feeling of limbo between being homesick and dreading change to feeling like you have finally found your niche/best four years of your life.

Maybe this ad hit so close to home for me because I have an extremely close relationship to my dad, or because I am in college, or because I am possibly going to be living across the country next year (gulp), but Google was certainly successful in demonstrating the power of the internet in our lives, on a deeply emotional level.

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