Sunday, September 23, 2012

All Publicity Is Good Publicity

                                                    "THE ONLY BANK ON CAMPUS"

This phrase is printed in plain, white letters on a blue banner hanging above U.S. Bank in the Alumni Memorial Union. The first time I saw it, I honestly chuckled a bit... is claiming you are the only bank on campus really saying anything about your service or product? To me, it seemed that all it was "you have no other choice, so use us." For some reason, this simple banner stuck with me the rest of the day, and I began wondering if this was a case of any publicity being good publicity. Though it usually refers to people, especially celebrities, why couldn't it refer to a bank chain? I really see two ways of looking at this ad, one option being that the advertising department was just not feeling creative and decided to point out the obvious. The other being that, though it is apparent that this banner says absolutely nothing about U.S Bank or the services they provide, it is still true that they are the only bank on campus, so why not capitalize on it? 

While most Marquette students are all too aware that U.S Bank is, in fact, the ONLY bank on campus, it still seems to me that advertising it is giving off the impression that the bank may know it is not the best, but it is our only option so we will come anyway. A more positive advertisement, I believe, would be more effective in drawing in the few students who do not have accounts there than simply pointing out the obvious. 

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