Sunday, November 4, 2012

It seems that in most advertisements regarding food products, laundry detergents and various other items found in the household, moms are the final authority. I remember hearing "choosey moms choose Jiff" and wondering "what about choosey dads. In my household, at least, my dad does equal to (and probably even more) cooking than my mom, and I just felt that commercials like that gave fathers a bad reputation.

I saw a commercial this weekend for Go-Gurt, and it actually featured the father in the same way that Jiff ads feature the mother, insinuating that he was the one (in this case) to get the kid ready for school, pack his lunch etc. Personally, though the ad is simple and not for any particularly exciting product, I found the message refreshing.

It also makes me wonder if other companies will continue with this trend? Or is the mom as the homemaker a cliche that will never really be broken in the advertising world?

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