Thursday, October 11, 2012

Real Beauty

Though this advertisement may not necessarily be considered recent, I think it is gives an extremely powerful message concerning the matter of negative body images and society's idea of "beauty" today. Though it is a cliche message (and a good cliche!), the body image and idea of beauty presented today, mainly to young girls and women, is generally unhealthy and unattainable. Models tower over the average girl, and weigh much, much less. Ads in magazines portray pictures of girls with flawless skin, perfect make up and hair and beautiful, designer outfits. These images are plastered everywhere - magazines, bus sides, television, movies etc. and young girls have began to take notice.

This commercial is part of Dove's real beauty campaign, which uses actual women as opposed to models in hopes of promoting a different idea of what beauty is. In some ads, women's body type is the and focus, but this advertisement shows the drastic effects photoshop (as well as a professional hair and make-up stylist) can have on a person. I think that, even more so than the positive body image ads, this video speaks to an entire generation of girls. The women who comes into the study looks like an average women - she has flaws, imperfections, and unique attributes that make her human. With hair, make- up and a huge amount of photoshop, she is transformed into a model. Her neck is elongated, her eyes exaggerated, face slimmed etc., to the point where she is no longer herself.

Dove goes above an beyond challenging the beauty norms of today with this bold, real feeling advertisement. It is certainly memorable, and for those who struggle with body image, I am sure this advertisement is even more powerful than it may appear to the general public.

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