Sunday, October 28, 2012

BIng! The Difference

Google, Yahoo, Bing - The list of search engines goes on and on. The competition and consumer preference between them is well known, and even spawns users to pit said search engines against each other (the winner generally provides the best or funniest answer to a question). But what is the actual difference between the three? Here's what I know about each one:

-Google is my go to for anything I need to know. As a History major, Google Scholar is my best friend. They change the way the word "google" is written on special occasions, and have been pretty cool as of late.
-Yahoo seems to have a lot of celebrity news on their homepage. I never use it.
-Bing had a commercial in which it played an awesome song by the Lumineers.

But these things are trivial, what is the real differences between these search engines? More importantly, how am I supposed to know?

Unlike Bing's previous advertisement, which again, featured a killer song by the Dever based Lumineers, didn't really tell me what the search engine did that was different. This new series of commercials, however, not only tells but shows the user in what way Bing is different from Google, and how to use it properly aka maximizing benefits and search results. I find it extremely helpful, and it made me actually consider Bing as a search engine, especially on non scholarly issues on which another opinion could be useful. I think that actually showing how to use their website was just the advertising Bing needed to gain a users.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


My family has received Patagonia magazines and purchased Patagonia products for as long as I can remember. Recently, in my Human Resources class, we looked into Patagonia as a business; their morals, their ethics, what makes them and their employees tick etc. One of the things that stood out most about the company, which I previously knew, is that they are extremely green. Our focus, as a class, was the recruiting techniques of the company which, interestingly enough, are none. Patagonia has done such a wonderful job advertising their brand, both literately and figuratively, that more people apply to the company than they could possibly use.

In order to figure out how exactly Patagonia did this, we looked into their advertising. This advertisement, which reads "Don't Buy This Jacket", seems to be the antithesis of what an advertisement is supposed to do; get customers to buy the product the company is selling. However, Patagonia is serious! Keeping true to their green, sustainable promises, Patagonia actually urges customers not to buy things that they don't need, even if it is their own product.

To me, this ad shows loyalty to belief; Patagonia does not just say they believe in sustainability, they prove it. I would be curious, however, to see other business' take on this strategy as well as customers. Do people think it is genuine? Or do people think it is still a business ploy?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Real Beauty

Though this advertisement may not necessarily be considered recent, I think it is gives an extremely powerful message concerning the matter of negative body images and society's idea of "beauty" today. Though it is a cliche message (and a good cliche!), the body image and idea of beauty presented today, mainly to young girls and women, is generally unhealthy and unattainable. Models tower over the average girl, and weigh much, much less. Ads in magazines portray pictures of girls with flawless skin, perfect make up and hair and beautiful, designer outfits. These images are plastered everywhere - magazines, bus sides, television, movies etc. and young girls have began to take notice.

This commercial is part of Dove's real beauty campaign, which uses actual women as opposed to models in hopes of promoting a different idea of what beauty is. In some ads, women's body type is the and focus, but this advertisement shows the drastic effects photoshop (as well as a professional hair and make-up stylist) can have on a person. I think that, even more so than the positive body image ads, this video speaks to an entire generation of girls. The women who comes into the study looks like an average women - she has flaws, imperfections, and unique attributes that make her human. With hair, make- up and a huge amount of photoshop, she is transformed into a model. Her neck is elongated, her eyes exaggerated, face slimmed etc., to the point where she is no longer herself.

Dove goes above an beyond challenging the beauty norms of today with this bold, real feeling advertisement. It is certainly memorable, and for those who struggle with body image, I am sure this advertisement is even more powerful than it may appear to the general public.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


STA Travel is a travel agency that caters pacifically to students, mainly college students. In this simple, one mine ad, they have successfully reminded me that I want to travel to each and every places shown. In the case of this particular commercial, I think its simplicity is the key ingredient to its success. Capitalizing on the short attention span of the average college student, STA manages to flash what seems like hundreds of pictures in front of the viewers eyes, all within 61 seconds. These picture, which are major scenes from all around the world, all have one thing in common - the same twenty something man is walking in the middle of each one, presumably documenting his travels around the world.
The song playing in the background has no words, and each beat seems to match the switching of pictures.

Mind you, it isn't hard to sell the idea of studying and/or traveling abroad, so some may say STA has it easy. The idea may not be hard to sell, but, the actual plane tickets etc., are, especially in this economy. For every airline ad, Groupon or frequent flyer mile brochure I have seen, nothing evokes my sense of wanderlust like this commercial. Each scene, I found myself mentally noting places I have gone and places I have been, watching over and over again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

It isn't telling me where to go. It isn't telling me what to think. It isn't telling me what to buy or what to eat or where to stay. It is simply telling me to go somewhere, anywhere and experience all the world has to offer, a message of choice and freedom I feel our generation values greatly.